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Creating Search Filters

Create Search filters

This guide will show you how to create search filters in OneNode. Based on your most common search criteria, set filters that you can easily access every time you need to find a document!

1. Open OneNode's main panel

Open OneNode's main panel
Open OneNode's main panel

2. Click "Search"

Click on the "Search" tab and navigate to the "Filter" button

Click 'Search'

3. Click "Add new filter"

Select "Add new filter"

Click 'Add new filter'

4. Give the filter a Name

Give your filter a name.

Give the filter a Name

5. Type a "Description"

And add a description if you wish.

Type a 'Description'

6. Define visibility

Decide if you'd like to make this filter public or keep it visible just for you.

Define visibility

7. Add filter conditions

Choose the criteria that best meets your search needs from the conditions list.

Add filter conditions

8. Select from the options

In this case we are building a filter by Document Owner

Select from the options

9. Click "Save filter"

If you need to, add more conditions and click on "Save"

Click 'Save filter'

10. Check your filter

All right! Let's try it out.
Check your filter

11. Type three search characters

Type three letters in the search bar

Type three search characters

12. Check the results

You'll see the results for all Document owners
Check the results

13. Apply the new Filter

Click on "Filters" and choose the filter you just created.
Apply the new Filter

14. Filtered view

Only those documents matching the filter criteria will be displayed.
Filtered view
All set! Dive-in and explore more filters and criteria to set up your go-to search filters in OneNode.