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Creating Fields and field types


Creating Fields VIDEO- Price listList useUse case

This video will walk you through creating fields of different types in OneNode for Pipedrive.

1. Price Lists in Cloud Storage

Imagine an organization where Invoices, Proposals, and Price Lists are the three most commonly used type of documents. These are called Document types in One Node. Now let's assume the company has two types of Prices: Standard and Discounted. This is really important! You always need to create fields before you can create document types

Price Lists in Cloud Storage

2. Click on OneNode

Let's go ahead and create a field called "category" to distinguish Standard from Discounted price lists.
Click on OneNode

3. Click on: "Settings"

When the OneNode panel opens, Click on the Settings button
Click on: 'Settings'

4. Click on the tab: "Fields"

From the Settings panel, click on the "Fields" tab.
Click on the tab: 'Fields'

5. Click "Add new field"

Let's call the new field Price List Category. Proceed to create it by clicking on the "Add new field" button.
Click 'Add new field'

6. Input the Field Label

Input the label in the "Field label"box
Input the Field Label

7. Choose the Field Type: "Select"

Since we have two categories: Standard and Discounted, choose the field type "Select" from the dropdown by clicking on the arrow
Choose the Field Type: 'Select'

8. Add Options

This will open up the Options below, where you can add multiple categories of prices by Clicking on the "Add new option" button and typing the categories.
Add Options

9. Field type created

That's it! You have created a Field for the Price List Document Type which will allow you to distinguish Standard and Discounted price lists. Enjoy setting up more custom fields!! Think of price lists in different currencies, languages, tailored to partners or for direct customers.
Field type created
Watch the next video to create the Document type Price List. With One Node, start managing your most commonly used documents in your organization, in one single place.